Wednesday, December 06, 2006

a year later

A year has passed since my last entry. Maybe I'm not a blogger. I thought I was. I wanted to be. I want to be.

I leave in a few days to go get my grandson for a few days of grandparent heaven. Tim and Andrea have consented to allowing me to fly to Nashville to get Caleb about a week before they arrive here for a brief Chrsitmas visit. We'll have Caleb for about 9 days (happy face) and Tim and Andrea for about three days (sad face).

Being in ministry and being 850 miles apart has tested me.

Ministry in the past 12 months has been .... better. Last year at this time I was unsure if I would still be here ... and tentative about whether I would be a youth minister at all. Most of that has passed. Ministry seems healthier and better thought of around the home church than before.

I attribute much of that change to the presence of two of the new elders (maybe three). Mark Tate, Kris Southward, and maybe Tom Milholland have brought new life to the elders and a higher profile to the youth ministry and my work.

I put up the lights for Christmas this year. I swear the evil demon of Christmas lives in those boxes with the lights. My son Jon helped this year. It nearly killed us both.